• 1/8/2020
    Investing in a VUCA World

    Investing in a VUCA World

    Investment strategies connecting returns, risks, technology, people, planet, profits, and regulation

     Our world is more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
    New economies are rising and old ones resigning through geopolitical tensions, strategies, developments and trade wars. Sustainable investing and innovation driven by FinTech dominate the forward-looking investment places.With a huge impact on People’s investment objectives and financial planning.
    The 14th edition of Trends Investment Summit Benelux 2020 investigates the trends that will dominate future investment strategies and solutions. Register now or demand your free access.

    Specific themes?
    • Sustainable investing
    • Fin-techs innovation
    • Goal-based financial planning
    • Investment objectives in a VUCA world
    • Portfolio and asset management
    • Behavioral Economics
    Who should attend?

    The Trends Investment Summit is specially designed for : Private bankers, wealth managers, family offices, financial planners, analysts and advisors. Asset and fund managers, chief investment officers, pension fund managers. Industry experts, chief economists, fund & managers selectors. C-level executives in the investment industry. Request your free access.

    Who’s presenting?
    • Marnix Arickx, president of Beama
    • John Hulsman
    • Paolo Sironi
    • More than 40 keynotes and workshops by industry experts, chief economists and chief investment officers.